Make Your Mark Scholarship

Leadership comes in many forms. You can lead people in the direction you’re going, point people in the right direction, spend most of your time leading, or be a leader-in-the-moment. There’s no one way to lead, but we certainly seem to only reward one way.” – Matthew Oliphant

The Make Your Mark Leadership Scholarship Fund was established in 2021, by the University of Maryland Baltimore County Student Government Association in recognition of the undergraduate student leaders’ contributions to UMBC and their respective communities. Whether you are an athlete or a student agent of change, we all make our mark in our respective communities in one way or another. The Make Your Mark Leadership Scholarship is aimed to recognize the many types of leadership experiences our UMBC Undergraduates harbor.


2024 Scholarship Recipients


Asiya is a Biological Sciences major on the Pre-Med Track with minors in MLL Spanish and Public Health. While at UMBC, she has lived in the STEM LLC on Patapsco Hall and Harbor Hall. She serves as a peer tutor at the UMBC Academic Success Center currently and has been a UMBC URA Scholar. Currently, she is the President of the American Red Cross club and Secretary of the Pre-Med society. She has also been a UMBC STEM LLC Peer Mentor, STEM BUILD @ UMBC BTP Affiliate (Cohort 7) and an Undergraduate Researcher and Teaching Assistant in UMBC’s Biological Sciences Dept.



Katherine is a double major in Physics and Mathematics. While at UMBC she has lived in Susquehanna, Hillside Apartments and Walker Apartments. She has worked as a Physics 121 Learning Assistant and as the M34 Cohort representative for the Meyerhoff Student Council. She is currently the Vice President and Head of the Fundraising Committee for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and is working to co-found the Gender Minorities and Women in Physics Club this semester. Katherine has also been a PRAC volunteer during her time at UMBC. She would like to “shout out the amazing student organization leaders with whom I have collaborated with over the years, specifically the SWE Eboard”. Also she thanks Dr. Justin Webster from the Mathematics Department for being an engaging professor and great mentor.. “When I become a professor, I want to make my classes as memorable and engaging as his have been”



Olapeju is majoring in Information Systems at UMBC, and throughout her time here has lived in Erickson Hall. She is the President of UMBC’s Residential Student Association, a Residential Assistant for Erickson Hall, a peer mentor for the Center for Women in Technology, the Public Relations Chair for the National Society of Black Engineers, and works as a costume assistant for UMBC’s theater department. She has appreciated Dr Andrea Kleinsmith because, “when I reached out to her a few semesters ago to ask about research opportunities, she not only encouraged me to pursue an opportunity in her lab but also motivated me to enroll in the accelerated master’s program in Human-Centered Computing. Her support has inspired me to seek more opportunities in this field of study and has motivated me to work harder and strive for greatness


Ashley is majoring in Public Health and Biological Sciences on the Pre-Med track. She has lived in West Hill Apartments on campus and is the current Vice President and co-founder of Sista’s in Medicine (SIM), an organization dedicated to providing community enrichment, resources, and support for underrepresented minorities pursuing healthcare and/or science fields. During her time at UMBC, she has been a member of the UMBC Cheer Team, served as a (seb) Programmer, was an RA in Potomac Hall and is currently a member of the UMBC Dance Team with hopes to volunteer with the Shriver Center as an Elementor! She thanks Dr Anushka Aqil in the PBHL Department for their support.

2023 Scholarship Recipients



2022 Scholarship Recipient


Marelen Acevedo Soto (She/Her) is a fine-arts and digital design major. Through her passion for the visual arts, Marelen has learned that leadership means utilizing your passion to help others.


2021 Scholarship Recipients


Kristine Antanesian (She/Her) is a senior Biology/Psychology dual major. Through her involvement with the Maryland chapter of the Armenian Youth Federation, Kristine has learned that leadership means kindness, resilience and empowering those around you.

“Leadership is about learning, compiling knowledge, but then what are you going to do with that knowledge? How are you going to relay that to people in a way that makes them want to listen to you?”



Nyla Howell (She/Her) is a sophomore double majoring in Geographic and Environmental Studies and Sociology. Through her involvement as the manager of the Retriever Essential food pantry, Nyla has learned that leadership means being selfless and being willing to take risks.

“Leadership means taking risks, being the first person to step up, because it makes other people comfortable doing the same.”



Haleemat Adekoya (She/Her) is a political science major, pursing a certificate in elementary education. Through her involvement with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, and her non-profit organization, “Dare2Be” Haleemat has learned that leadership means service.

“Leadership means service; one who is willing to lead is willing to come last, ensuring that everyone has gone forth before them and is well okay.”



Marelen Acevedo Soto (She/Her) is a transfer fine-arts and digital design major. Through her passion for the visual arts, Marelen has learned that leadership means utilizing your passion to help others.

“Bring attention to what matters the most, and make change happen.”