Need help figuring out how to fund your org? Check out our Budgetary Statutes Cheat Sheet!
In order to access the Student Organization budget request application, your treasurer must have completed the Finance Board Budget Requests module in Blackboard.
If a treasurer experiences issues accessing the Student Organization Officers Training Blackboard organization or the Finance Board Budget Requests module, they should email
Additional Financial Resources
- Student Organization Officer Trainings Blackboard
- All SGA Finance Board training materials can be found in the Student Organization Officers Training Blackboard organization. Presidents, vice presidents, and treasurers of student orgs have access to this Blackboard organization.
- In order to schedule a meeting with SABSC (Student Affairs Business Service Center), treasurers and presidents need to complete the Student Affairs Business Service Center (SABSC) Business Processes module. This can also be found within the Student Organization Officers Training Blackboard organization.
- SABSC Appointment Page
- From the SABSC Appointment page you can reserve a cash box or schedule a purchasing appointment
- Apply for Finance Board Funding
- Apply for funding from the SGA Finance Board. Applications are only shown after the treasurer of the organization completes the Finance Board Budget Requests module in Blackboard and logs into SurveyMonkey. Once those two steps have been completed, the treasurer should anticipate receiving access within two business days.
- Application Walkthrough
- This walks through the application process for applying for funds from the Finance Board. Important notes are that:
- If requesting for an off-campus event, you need advisor approval
- If requesting an on-campus event, you need to meet with ECS to obtain documentation for any fees
- Reallocation Request
- This form is to move allocated funds between line items for an event. Funds cannot be shifted between events
- Off-campus events are funded per-person and cannot be shifted between persons
- Budgetary Statutes
- This is the guiding document that the Finance Board follows for decision making; statutes start on page 12 (after the last page of Budgetary Policy)
- Liaison System Contacts
- Each student organization is assigned a Finance Board Liaison who they can reach out to for Finance Board Related Questions
- List of Alternative Funding Sources
- A compiled list of resources that student organizations can use to fundraise on their own
- SGA Logos
- All SGA allocated advertisement must include the SGA logo
- Financial Tracking Document
- This google sheet was designed to help student organizations keep track of all of their funds including Carryover, SAHAS, and allocated budgets
- Student Organization Resource Center (SORC)
- SGA run resource center that has equipment and materials that student organizations can use for free, in order to free up your allocated funding to buy things that are not in SORC. In order to check out materials from SORC, you’ll need to complete and submit this form.
- Digital Media Lab (Free Student Rentals)
- Provides all UMBC students, faculty, and staff with tools to create and edit new and re-use existing audio, video and graphic design objects. Equipment includes cameras, tripods, microphones, projector, and lights.
For general UMBC student organization questions:
For Finance Board questions: